last update: 12 May 2016
Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory

2. Local measurements of near-surface concentrations of climate-influencing gases (ÑÎ2, CH4, N2O)

At our laboratory continuous measurements of near-surface concentrations of methane, water vapor, ozone, oxides of nitrogen and carbon dioxide are carried out. For monitoring of the methane concentration in atmospheric air the Los Gatos Research Greenhouse Gas Analyzer (GGA-24r-EP) (that is intended for continuous measurements of the concentration of three main greenhouse gases (H2O, CO2 and CH4) in atmospheric air with high frequency (1-100 sec.)) is used. Measurements of methane concentrations are carried out in St. Petersburg State University, and Voeikov MGO. The map of a relative positioning of two observation stations is submitted in Fig. 2.1.

Long-time observations give a possibility to estimate daily, sesonal and interannual variations of near-surface concentrations of different gases. Daily variations of near-surface methane in Peterhof during 2014 are given in Fig. 2.2. Fig. 2.3 demonstrates daily variations of near-surface carbone dioxide concentrations in different months in Peterhof.

IR spectroscopic method based on FTIR (Bruker IFS 125 HR) measurements is also used for measuring the near-surface concentrations of various gases.

Main papers

1. Arabadjan D.K., N.N. Paramonova, M.V. Makarova, A.V. Poberovskii, 2015: Analysis of temporal variability of methane concentration in atmosphere from data of ground-based observations. Vestnik SPbSU, ser. 4, 2 (60), issue 3, 204–215 (in Russian).
2. Frantsuzova I.S., A.V. Poberovskii, Yu.M. Timofeev, H.H. Imhasin, 2015: The use of Fourier-spectroscopy with high resolution for studying gaseous mixtures and probes of atmospheric air. Vestnik SPbSU, ser. 4, 2 (60), issue 1, 21–26 (in Russian).


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