
Nimbus Ceilometer CHM 15k: cloud base heights and penetration depths, mixing layer height and vertical visibility (up to 15 km). Contact person: Anatoly Poberovsky (

AERONET Automatic Sun Tracking Photometer CE 318: IWV, AOD, aerosol optical properties (size distribution, single scattering albedo etc). Contact person: Anatoly Poberovsky (

Microwave profiler RPG-HATPRO: temperature & humidity profiles up to 10 km, LWP, IWV; local sensors: pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and speed. Contact person: Vladimir Kostsov (

Mummified crow that prevents expensive equipment from being damaged by birds.

Tower, where Ceilometer, AERONET Photometer, Microwave profiler and Mummified crow are installed.

FTIR–spectrometer Bruker IFS 125M having resolution up to 0.008 см-1 is used for the atmospheric measurements of the solar spectra in wide spectral range from IR to UV (5-50000 см-1). Spectrometer is equipped with the self-designed solar tracking system. Contact persons: Anatoly Poberovsky ( and Maria Makarova (

Samovar Multifunctional device used for reaching the temperature of H2O phase transition and to generate air pollution plum.

In situ gas analyzers: continuous monitoring is being carried out from January, 2013. Los Gatos Research and ThermoScientific gas analyzers: high frequency time series of СО2, СН4, H2O, CO, О3, NO, NO2, NOx concentrations in the ambient air. Contact persons: Maria Makarova ( and Dmitry Ionov (