Scientific team
Yuriy M. Timofeyev
- doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Full Professor and Head of Atmospheric Physics Chair at Faculty of Physics of Saint-Petersburg State University. Head of Atmospheric Physics Department (from 1994). Author and research superviser of the magister course. He directed the implementation of fifteen theses and was a scientific consultant of four doctoral theses. He read lectures at foreign universities.
Chairman of Russian Radiation Commission, and member of an editorial board of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Journal (issued by Russian Academy of Sciences). Author of 5 monographs, 4 grants and more than 200 scientific publications.
He took active part in carrying out and interpreting Russian and international space experiments (SAGE-II, SAGE-III, CRISTA-I, CRISTA-II, GOME, SOLVE, MIR-PRIRODA, etc.) within cooperation with many organizations of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). In recent years Yu.M. Timofeev was the head of many Russian and the international scientific grants.
In 1991 for outstanding scientific achievements he was awarded by the Max-Plank prize (Germany). In 2005 he was awarded (jointly with V.S. Kostsov) the Main prise of International Academic Publishing Company "Nauka/Interperiodica" for a cycle of articles devoted to data processing of experiment of CRISTA.
Current field of interests: atmospheric optics, theory of radiation transfer, remote sensing of the atmosphere and underlying surface, validation
of satellite measurements, trace gases. Professor Timofeyev is an acknowledged expert in studying the atmospheric physics and retrieval theory.
Office phone/fax: (812) 428-44-86
Personal page: Timofeyev
Anatoly V. Poberovsky
- candidate of Physics and Mathematics, senior research assistant.
Current field of interests: experimental atmospheric physics, devices for remote sensing, laboratoty studies of optical characteristics of atmospheric gases, studies of atmospheric gases and aerosols.
Office phone: (812) 428-44-87
Fax: (812) 428-44-86
Personal page: Poberovsky
Alexander V. Polyakov
- doctor of Physics and Mathematics, leading researcher, Professor of Atmospheric Physics Chair.
He took active part in carrying out and interpreting the Russian and international space experiments (OZON-MIR, SAGE-III, etc.), including those within cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Author of more than 140 scientific publications.
The main direction of studies lies in the field of mathematics of inverse problems of atmospheric optics, namely, methods and algorithms for solving incorrect inverse problems, studies of the information content of experiments, equipments and software for remote sensing, the analysis of the working efficiency of remote sensing systems, validation and calibration of spectroscopic measurements of outgoing IR radiation and other related topics and questions.
Now he is engaged in developing the software for the operational retrieval of parameters of atmosphere anf underlying surface from spectral measurements of outgoing radiation from the Russian Meteor-M satellite No. 2 and in studying trace atmospheric gases by ground-based spectroscopic measurements with high spectral resolution.
Current field of interests: remote sensing of the atmosphere and underlying surface, development of methods for solving the inverse problems of atmospheric optics, interpretation of satellite measurements.
Office phone: (812) 428-43-47
Personal page: Polyakov
Vladimir S. Kostsov -
doctor of Physics and
Mathematics, leading researcher, a member of International Radiation Commission
Author of more than 140 scientific publications. In 2005 he was awarded (jointly with Yu.M. Timofeyev) the Main prise of International Academic Publishing Company "Nauka/Interperiodica" for a cycle of articles devoted to data processing of experiment of CRISTA.
Current field of interests: radiative transfer in the atmosphere, IR and microwave remote sensing from satellites and Earth surface, Earth gas composition and dynamics, remote sensing
of the nonLTE atmosphere.
Office phone: (812) 428-43-47
Personal page: Kostsov
Evgenia M. Shulgina -
candidate of Physics and
Mathematics, senior research assistant, awardee of State Prize in Science
and Technics.
Current field of interests: microwave
remote sensing of the atmosphere and underlying surface.
Personal page: Shulgina
Mariya A. Makarova -
candidate of Physics and
Mathematics, senior researcher.
The main direction of researches - studying modern changes in atmospheric gas composition (CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, volatile organic compounds) within problems of global climate change and quality of atmospheric air. Work is based on using methods of local and remote monitoring of the atmosphere which are realized in the modern hi-tech research equipment: gas analyzers of Los Gatos Research, IR Fourier spectrometers of high spectral resolution (Bruker IFS 125 HR and Bruker IFS 125 M).
She is the representative of the station of atmospheric monitoring (Peterhof, St.-Petersburg State University) in the International IRWG/NDACC network (the Infrared Working Group of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) .
Current field of interests: atmospheric optics and spectroscopy, ground-based
IR spectrometry of the atmosphere (measurements, data interpretation
and analysis), in situ experimental studies of concentrations of atmospheric
gases, changes in Earth climate, grenhouse and chemical-active atmospheric gases, quality of atmospheric air.
Office phone: (812) 428-43-47
Personal page: Makarova
Yana A. Virolainen -
candidate of Physics
and Mathematics, senior researcher.
She is the author of more than 50 scientific papers in Russian and foreign journals, a principal and performer of a number of the Russian and international grants (INTAS, the RFBR, RSF).
The main directions of researches are studying the atmosphere by means of various remote (ground-based and satellite) methods, the analysis of short-term and long-term variations in contents of atmospheric water vapor, ozone and a number of the minor gas components participating in an ozonic cycle; developing statistical models of optical and microphysical properties of an aerosol and polar stratospheric clouds.
Current field of interests: remote sounding
of atmospheric gases by gas-correlation radiometry and IR Furier spectrometry;
development and analysis of statistical models of polar stratospheric
clouds and aerosols, investigation of inverse problems with regard to
cloud and aerosol microphysics.
Office phone: (812) 428-43-47
Personal page: Virolainen
Dmitry V. Ionov -
candidate of Physics and Mathematics, senior researcher.
D.V. Ionov manages the student work in educational laboratories of Atmospheric Physics Department and Physical Faculty. He takes part in grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Scientific Found, various grants of the Ministry of Education and Science, etc.
Current field of interests: ground-based and satellite passive sounding of the atmosphere through measurements of
scattered solar radiation, long-term NO2 measurements in stratosphere and tropospere, experimental methods of remote sensing of NOx air pollution, numerical regional simulation of the dissipation of anthropogenic contamination.
Office phone: (812) 428-43-47
Personal page: Ionov
Hamud Halaph Imhasin
- candidate of Physics and Mathematics, research scientist.
Current field of interests: atmospheric physics, atmospheric optics, IR Fourier spectrometry.
Office phone: (812) 428-44-87
Personal page: Imhasin